Designing an Interactive Supply Chain with Simulation Modelling

No public date is currently scheduled for this course. We can provide a tailored course at a time and date that suits you. If interested please contact us.

Duration: 2 days


None – recommended for anyone with an interest in innovation working in the supply chain.

Complete Pre-Course Material: will be provided to you once you have enrolled.

Price: 2,860 CHF

Inventory management is important for businesses of any size. Those with responsibilities in this area of your company’s supply chain will reap the benefits of the increased knowledge and key skills gained from this well-designed course to help your business increase efficiency, improve productivity and decrease waste in your business operations – manufacturing, services, industrial operations and production.

in PERson Training

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Join our Interactive Supply Chain with Simulation Modelling Course

There are a number of interconnected organisations in a typical supply chain. Suppliers provide the raw materials needed for manufacturing products, manufacturers make the products, warehousing facilities store the finished products. From warehouses products are sent to distribution centers or whole sale facilities, who in turn transport goods to retailers, and finally, customers at the end of the supply chain buy products from retailers.

This chain of integrated events requires robust supply chain management to ensure that the goods required are manufactured to specific requirements, delivered in the right quantities, at the right time, while at the same time reducing costs to remain competitive, satisfying customer expectations. Increasingly, managers are under pressure to drive down transportation and warehousing costs, work with shorter lead times and maintain tight inventories.

This is best accomplished by organisations having clear visibility of their overall supply chain plans which should be robust and flexible enough to adapt quickly to sudden and unexpected changes in the supply chain. An awareness of customer and supplier plans is also needed to effectively adapt plans to real time, unplanned events.

In a fast moving, rapidly changing world, supply chains are constantly under pressure, subject to increased risks of failure or poor performance, uncertain outcomes and stability. Supply chains are increasingly faced with random events, uncertain external factors, changing policies, configurations or flows, all of which have increased the need for the use of discrete real-world event simulation for modeling the entire supply chain before a firm plan is implemented.

Simulation modeling enables a company to visualise and predict the results of a particular strategy or plan, therefore reducing risks by assessing operating performance ahead of a plan being implemented, all while keeping the real system working. Simulation allows various scenarios and different plans to be considered, providing valuable insight and information in order to agree on the best way forward.

Spreadsheets are static and can only provide a quantitative result for one moment in of time, where simulation replicates your dynamic business reality.


      This course is aimed at: 

  • Decision makers in any department that may affect the supply chain in your company.

  • Anyone with an interest in simulation, who is keen to improve planning and decision-making skills and to see the outcomes that their changes make, without having to take the risk those changes might have had if implemented in the real world.

  • Supply Chain Managers and employees working in supply chain at senior level.

  • Managers involved in setting strategy.

This course will help you to:

Understand and appreciate the importance of Smart Supply Chain Management.

Design and Build a Supply Chain Model based on a detailed Supply Chain framework using Production / Holding facilities; Product, Source and Placement; Logistics /Transportation Planning; Routing of Cost-Efficient Supply Chains.

Effective planning, designing and modelling planning of a smart cost-effective supply chain.

Achieve savings in product costs leading to significant improvements in service delivery and cost reduction to client supply chain


Get Certified with our Interactive Supply Chain with Simulation Modelling Course.

The course will benefit your organization by boosting employee motivation as they gain new insights into how they fit into the overall supply chain; achieve better outcomes working as a team; improve decision-making skills with greater awareness of possible results through testing various scenarios using simulation tools; become a resource among peers by learning how to use a new and innovative tool.

Course Content

  • This is a 2-day interactive course focused on Designing an Interactive Supply Chain with Simulation Modelling Course.
  • The course gives you a valuable introduction to modeling methods and simulation tools. Working with our partner, and using their simulation tool, you will run your own simulations using data from case studies, so that you gain real hands-on experience as the human planner making decisions as the supply chain manager.
  • One-to-one advise given by the instructor.
  • Your supply chain strategies and plans will come alive as you visualise their outcomes and predict results based on your strategic decisions.
  • After an introduction to the platform you will learn how to use the simulation software.
  • Gain an understanding of the value to your business of the simulation model.
  • Design and build a Supply Chain Model based on case studies and real-world scenarios
  •  Implement and run your supply chain plan.
  •  Achieve savings in product costs leading to significant improvements in service delivery and cost reduction to your client.
  • Report back on the results of your simulation.
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Practical Information

Want to know more?

The course can take place in two ways. 

(1) If you contact us and tell us you want a training in a particular area we cover.

(2) When we have a course running which will be displayed above in a calendar format.

The course can either be in-person or virtual via video conferencing.

The course can take place in two ways. 

(1) If you contact us and tell us you want a training in a particular area we cover.

(2) When we have a course running which will be displayed above in a calendar format.

The course can either be in-person or virtual via video conferencing.

IF there are any other questions you have feel free to reach out:
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