Transport Management and Contract Logistics

No public date is currently scheduled for this course. We can provide tailored course at a time and date that suits you. If interested please contact us.
Duration: 2 days


A keen desire to acquire the practical skills and knowledge, or to become experts in this important area of the supply chain, for both enhanced personal development and to strengthen the performance in this area of your business operations.

Complete Pre-Course Material: will be provided to you once you have enrolled.

Price: 2,860 CHF


in PERson Training

A personalised and supported experience.

Small group sizes and expert trainers who facilitate inspiring, interactive and fun classes.

Join our Transport Management & Contracts Logistics Course



      This course is aimed at: 

  • /
This course will help you to:

Become an expert and an authority in your team in this crucial area of the supply chain.

Become a better manager

Increase your confidence.

Smart, inclusive, holistic management strategies.


Get Certified with our Transport Management & Contracts Logistics Course.


Course Content

  • Cost, Rates, Prices
  • Modes of Transportation
  • Transport Management Technologies
  • Transport Planning: Milk-Run, Hub- and Spoke, ..
  • Route Planning, Heuristics, …
  • Green Transport, Reverse Logistics, Incoterms, Outsourcing, 3PL, 4PL,… 
Kaleidoscope Blue Logo

Practical Information

Want to know more?

The course can take place in two ways. 

(1) If you contact us and tell us you want a training in a particular area we cover.

(2) When we have a course running which will be displayed above in a calendar format.

The course can either be in-person or virtual via video conferencing.

The course can take place in two ways. 

(1) If you contact us and tell us you want a training in a particular area we cover.

(2) When we have a course running which will be displayed above in a calendar format.

The course can either be in-person or virtual via video conferencing.

IF there are any other questions you have feel free to reach out:
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